Friday, September 13, 2013

Attention Writers, English Majors and the like...

Lately, I have been in the mood to write. Not really anything in particular, just my thoughts. For one, because it's cathartic and two because I'd like to improve my writing skills. Growing up, English was my favorite subject. I was an avid reader, because I loved stories and words. I remember reading books or lyrics to a song and once I reached a word I didn't know, I'd stop and look it up. I enjoyed it and I still do.

What prompted me to work to improve my writing was when I recently started working on my resume and realized how rusty my skills were. I really struggled to write things in an eloquent manner. It's because lately, whever I write, I don't pay much attention to my sentence structures. Now, I am trying to take the time to think about what I am writing and how I can make it sound better, if possible.

I have a couple questions for people out there reading this, who may be of assistance. Whenever I am moving on from one thought to another, I tend to start a new paragraph, as I notice this is what writers do (see paragraphs above), so I guess I  am ok there. However, when I want to start a completely new topic in the same blog post, how can I make the transition smooth? How can I start my sentence? Any and all help would be great. Thanks for reading! :)